How to Clear Your Property Before a Renovation

New home with paints, newspapers and ladder

Are you thinking about renovating your home?

With the Federal Government giving eligible Western Sydney homeowners a tax-free grant of $25,000 to build or renovate their homes, now is the perfect time to upgrade your life.

Known as the HomeBuilder grant, this scheme is designed to give Sydney’s construction industry a welcome shot in the arm after the industry-wide downturn caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

While renovating your home is an exciting adventure, there are many moving parts that have the potential to cause financial problems, safety concerns, and flat out headaches.

Before you start any renovation project it’s a good idea to clear as much space as possible. This will help your builders move around freely, give you a chance to dispose of any items you no longer need, and prepare your home for an exciting upgrade.

If you’re about to undertake a renovation, here’s how to clear your property inside and out.

Junk and dried leave at the backyard

Start with the garden

Just because you’re starting a bathroom or kitchen renovation doesn’t mean you should forget about your garden.

Your builders will require room to bring in construction materials and tools, so clearing space of any unneeded green waste is a simple step to make their job easier (which will make your life a whole lot easier too).

If your garden is full of junk – think rusted bikes, twisted metal or rotting wooden furniture, use your renovation as a springboard to clear your yard. Not only will this make the building process smoother, but you’ll be left with a clean and clear yard that the whole family can enjoy.

Old household stuffs and garbage bags

Declutter systematically

The easiest thing to do before a renovation is throw everything in boxes and figure out where your belongings will live once the renos are complete. The problem with this approach is it guarantees you bring old clutter into your shiny new space.

Approaching your belongings systematically will help you split items into categories like:

  • Frequently Used
  • Occasionally Used
  • Never Used

Frequently used items will go right back into your renovated kitchen, bathroom or home. So place these in a clearly marked box and keep them out of the way for safekeeping.

Occasionally used items should be thought about carefully. If you rarely use these items, ask yourself if they serve a purpose or if they’re taking up valuable space.

Never used items have already had their fate sealed. Either donate, recycle or throw away these items to reduce the build up of junk that will turn your renovated home into a hoarder’s paradise.

Are you dealing with hoarded waste? Find out about our affordable hoarded waste removal services in Western Sydney.

Old sofa placed in the frontyard beside a garbage bin

Think about your furniture

A home renovation is a chance to start fresh. You can use the experience to take an objective look at your current furniture and decide if it suits your home’s new image.

Even if you plan on keeping the majority of your furniture, this is a chance to spot any chairs, couches, tables or cupboards that have seen better days.

Maybe your living room would look better without the decades old bookshelf that’s falling to pieces.

Or, has the outdoor furniture on the back patio been scratched by cats so much that it’s time to move on?

When dealing with large items and bulky furniture you’ll need to decide if you want to add another time-consuming task to your renovation schedule, or whether it’s worth calling in help from a professional rubbish removal service in Penrith and surrounds.

It’s common to assume a hired skip bin is the best way to remove your unwanted junk during a renovation but this comes with a number of problems. Hired skip bins are a beacon for neighbours who will see your bin as a convenient way to dispose of their rubbish – so you end up paying for space you didn’t use. With skip bins blocking access for builders and damaging your lawn, a same-day rubbish removal service keeps costs down and you only pay for your own junk.

How to get rid of clutter and organise your home before a renovation

Home renovations can be stressful enough without the pressure of cleaning out your entire house and backyard.

It’s about taking small steps if you have the time and patience to organise your home. You wouldn’t wake up tomorrow and run a marathon without building up to it. Clearing your property before a renovation is the same. Take 5 minutes each day and slowly build up.

If removing rubbish quickly is important to you, consider calling a waste management team to dispose of all excess junk for you. This will leave you with more time to focus on your exciting renovations, without having to perform the tiring manual labour of taking junk to the tip.

Are you looking to clear space and dispose of unwanted junk before an upcoming renovation? Kill two birds with one stone and contact our friendly team for a fast and reliable rubbish removal quote today.

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Get in touch with Rov's Rubbish Removal today!